An original podcast from the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada. Our financial literacy podcast talks about key issues, trends and tips as they relate to financial education. Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guest and do not necessarily reflect that of CPA Canada.

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
S5 E02: How to Talk to your Partner About Money
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Money concerns are among the most common reasons for relationship breakdown and divorce. How can one ensure that healthy conversations about money, financial goals, and values happen with their partner, and when is a good time to start having these conversations?
Join our expert Wallace M. Howick, FCPA, FCA and author of the award-winning book Love and Money: Conversations to Have Before you Get Married and gain valuable insights on when, why, and how to have important money conversations with your partner. Wally has more than 40 years' experience in financial services and was elected as a fellow CPA, and he is also a Harvard-trained teacher of negotiation.Additional Resources:
- CPA Canada’s Financial Literacy Resources
- Love and money: Conversations to have before you get married
This episode is part of our podcast focusing on helping listeners build confidence for approaching and handling difficult money conversations at various stages of life.
The views expressed by our guests are theirs alone and not necessarily the views of CPA Canada. This is a recorded Podcast. The information presented is current as of the date of recording. New and changing government legislations and programs may have come into effect since the recording date. Please seek additional professional advice or information before acting on any podcast information.

Thursday Sep 23, 2021
S5 E01: How to Talk to your Teen about the Money Side of “Adulting”
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
How can you prepare your teenager for financial responsibility? What are the most significant obstacles today’s teens are facing in developing good spending and saving habits, and how can parents work around them? Raising kids in today’s digital world comes with many challenges, but we’d like to help with the all-important conversations around money.
Join our expert Robin Taub, CPA, CA, parent, and award-winning author of Raising Money-Smart Kids: How to Teach your Kids about Money While Learning a Few Things Yourself and of The Wisest Investment: Teaching your Kids to be Responsible, Independent, and Money-Smart for Life, her latest book.
Additional resources:
- CPA Canada’s Financial Literacy Resources
- RobinTaub.com
- Raising Money-Smart Kids: How to teach your kids about money
- Free Role Model Self-Assessment at thewisestinvestment.com
This episode is part of our podcast focusing on helping listeners build confidence for approaching and handling difficult money conversations at various stages of life.
The views expressed by our guests are theirs alone and not necessarily the views of CPA Canada. This is a recorded Podcast. The information presented is current as of the date of recording. New and changing government legislations and programs may have come into effect since the recording date. Please seek additional professional advice or information before acting on any podcast information.

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
S4 E06: Going Alone: After Loss of a Spouse or Partner
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
The loss of a loved one is devastating and can take a toll on women physically, mentally, and financially. This episode features guest Kimberley Short, CIM®, CFP®, FCSI®, MFA-P™, TEP a principal, portfolio manager, certified financial planner and trust and estate practitioner at ShortFinancial with iA Private Wealth. Kimberly will guide listeners through the process of widowhood, while providing useful information for women on how to deal with money after the death of a spouse, how get a handle on finances if you have not had that responsibility in the past, how to manage finances moving forward, basics on wills and estates, and where to look for help during this difficult time.
This podcast information was prepared by Kimberley Short who is a Portfolio Manager, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® and Trust and Estate Practitioner for iA Private Wealth Inc. This is not an official program of iA Private Wealth Inc. and the opinions expressed during this podcast are those of Kimberley Short only and do not necessarily reflect those of iA Private Wealth Inc. iA Private Wealth Inc. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. This podcast is intended for general information only; please obtain independent professional advice, in the context of the particular circumstances. This episode was recoded on July 21, 2021.
This episode is made possible by the generous support of our national development sponsor, Canada Life.
The views expressed by our guests are theirs alone and not necessarily the views of CPA Canada. This is a recorded Podcast. The information presented is current as of the date of recording. New and changing government legislations and programs may have come into effect since the recording date. Please seek additional professional advice or information before acting on any podcast information.

Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
S4 E05: Going Alone: After a Relationship
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Divorce or separation can leave many women wondering what will come of their finances and how they will support themselves, their dependents, and overall lifestyle. For some, this means taking finances into their own hands for the first time ever and learning how to pave the way themselves. This episode, with certified financial planner Léony DeGraaf, CFP, CEA, EPC, will focus on what issues women face when going through a separation or divorce and what they can do to set themselves up for independent financial wellbeing and success. This episode was recorded on June 24, 2021.
This episode is made possible by the generous support of our national development sponsor, Canada Life.
Additional resources:
The views expressed by our guests are theirs alone and not necessarily the views of CPA Canada. This is a recorded Podcast. The information presented is current as of the date of recording. New and changing government legislations and programs may have come into effect since the recording date. Please seek additional professional advice or information before acting on any podcast information.

Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
S4 E04: The Working Mother - Juggling Work and Home
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Let’s face it. Being a mom is a full-time job by itself, add a career on top of that as well as tending to the everyday needs and wants of your kids, and soon not only is your bank account depleting, but so is your time. In this episode, Lisa van de Geyn, freelance writer, editor, mom and author of Babies: How to Afford Your Bundle of Joy, will teach us how to make a plan before having kids, how to budget for becoming a mom and growing a family as well as how to juggle motherhood and a career. This episode was recorded on June 10, 2021.
This episode is made possible by the generous support of our national development sponsor, Canada Life.
The views expressed by our guests are theirs alone and not necessarily the views of CPA Canada. This is a recorded Podcast. The information presented is current as of the date of recording. New and changing government legislations and programs may have come into effect since the recording date. Please seek additional professional advice or information before acting on any podcast information.

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
S4 E03: The Working Woman - First Jobs and New Jobs
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Starting a career or entering into a new career can be exciting but it also poses unique financial obstacles and challenges for a woman. In this episode, guest Gloria Ng, CPA and podcast host for MISS FINDEPENDENT, sheds light on entering into a new job with a focus on how to set yourself up for success, manage student loans, set goals and establish life-long healthy financial habits. This episode was recorded on June 18, 2021.
This episode is made possible by the generous support of our national development sponsor, Canada Life.
Additional resources:
The views expressed by our guests are theirs alone and not necessarily the views of CPA Canada. This is a recorded Podcast. The information presented is current as of the date of recording. New and changing government legislations and programs may have come into effect since the recording date. Please seek additional professional advice or information before acting on any podcast information.

Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
S4 E02: The “Risky” Woman - Risk and Investing For Women 101
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Confidence in money decisions comes with knowledge and practice. Join Lisa Zamparo, CPA, CA, Financial Strategist and founder of the Wellth Company, to explore how to learn about your money, make your money work for you, what steps you can take to gain the confidence to make decisions, the gender gap in risk and investing, and how you can take calculated risks for setting up your financial future. This episode was recorded on July 8, 2021.
This episode is made possible by the generous support of our national development sponsor, Canada Life.
The views expressed by our guests are theirs alone and not necessarily the views of CPA Canada. This is a recorded Podcast. The information presented is current as of the date of recording. New and changing government legislations and programs may have come into effect since the recording date. Please seek additional professional advice or information before acting on any podcast information.

Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
S4 E01: The Money Mindset - Changing the Way Women Relate to Money
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
This episode explores how women think and relate to money; helping women better understand money in order to find comfort in their own financial lives. Join our expert Vanessa Bowen, CPA, Money Coach and founder of Mint Worthy, as she discusses her challenges around money and how she took ownership of her financial life, while providing insight on how women can gain confidence in dealing with money matters that they tend to avoid. This episode was recorded on June 30, 2021.
This episode is made possible by the generous support of our national development sponsor, Canada Life.
The views expressed by our guests are theirs alone and not necessarily the views of CPA Canada. This is a recorded Podcast. The information presented is current as of the date of recording. New and changing government legislations and programs may have come into effect since the recording date. Please seek additional professional advice or information before acting on any podcast information.

Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Small Business Series – E07 – Entrepreneurship in Uncertainty
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
I was planning to start (or grow) a business in 2020 before the world changed. What do I do now? What options are available to me?
Join our expert Lisa Zamparo, CPA, CA, founder of The Wellth Company, as she walks us through her career as an accountant, how she made the transition into entrepreneurship and how she has had to pivot to deal with the disruptions brought on by the pandemic.
This episode is part of our podcast focusing on helping Ontario small businesses get through the pandemic. This series is made possible by the generous support of the Government of Ontario.
For resources and more information, visit Make Lemonade.
Host: Garth Sheriff, CPA, CA, Sheriff Consulting
The views expressed by our guests are theirs alone and not necessarily the views of CPA Canada. This is a recorded Podcast. The information presented is current as of the date of recording. New and changing government legislations and programs may have come into effect since the recording date. Please seek additional professional advice or information before acting on any podcast information.

Friday Dec 18, 2020
Small Business Series – E06 – How entrepreneurs are adapting to the pandemic
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
The pandemic has led to one of the largest economic crises in modern history. In this new business environment, many entrepreneurs are showing ingenuity in adapting to post crisis challenges. This episode outlines priorities highlighted in the BDC’s research study focusing on How Entrepreneurs Are Adapting to the Pandemic.
Join our expert Pierre Cléroux, Vice President, Research and Chief Economist at Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), as he walks us through the findings on how entrepreneurs are adapting to the pandemic.
This episode is part of our podcast focusing on helping Ontario small businesses get through the pandemic. This series is made possible by the generous support of the Government of Ontario.
For resources and more information, visit, BDC - Information to help your business take action during the COVID-19 crisis
Host: Garth Sheriff, CPA, CA, Sheriff Consulting
The views expressed by our guests are theirs alone and not necessarily the views of CPA Canada. This is a recorded Podcast. The information presented is current as of the date of recording. New and changing government legislations and programs may have come into effect since the recording date. Please seek additional professional advice or information before acting on any podcast information.

Friday Dec 11, 2020
Small Business Series – E05 – Making Heads and Tails of Taxes
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Like many things, the pandemic has affected the Canadian tax system. This episode provides practical insights on key risks and tax planning opportunities for small businesses.
Join our expert Michael Espinoza, CPA, CA, Senior Manager at Grant Thornton as he walks us through his thinking on how small businesses should prepare and plan for the upcoming tax season.
***Please note that after recording this podcast on December 1, 2020, the Government of Canada announced further details relating to the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA). For more information please visit: ceba-cuec.ca.
This episode is part of our podcast focusing on helping Ontario small businesses get through the pandemic. This series is made possible by the generous support of the Government of Ontario.
Host: Garth Sheriff, CPA, CA, Sheriff Consulting
The views expressed by our guests are theirs alone and not necessarily the views of CPA Canada. This is a recorded Podcast. The information presented is current as of the date of recording. New and changing government legislations and programs may have come into effect since the recording date. Please seek additional professional advice or information before acting on any podcast information.

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Small Business Series – E04 – Futureproofing My Business
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
We have entered a tentative normal but how long may this last and how do I better prepare my business for future disruptions?
Join our expert Saeideh Fard, CPA, CA, Senior Vice President of Finance at PointClickCare as she walks us through her thinking in how a business should prepare and plan for disruptions in the normal course of a business.
This episode is part of our podcast focusing on helping Ontario small businesses get through the pandemic. This series is made possible by the generous support of the Government of Ontario.
Host: Garth Sheriff, CPA, CA, Sheriff Consulting
The views expressed by our guests are theirs alone and not necessarily the views of CPA Canada. This is a recorded Podcast. The information presented is current as of the date of recording. New and changing government legislations and programs may have come into effect since the recording date. Please seek additional professional advice or information before acting on any podcast information.

Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Small Business Series – E03 – Mental and Emotional Toil for Small Business Owners
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
Thursday Nov 26, 2020
It is not always about the numbers. Mental wellness during a crisis is more important than ever. How can small business owners manage their own stress?
Join our expert Rebecca Shields from the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) for York and South Simcoe as she walks us through understanding the stigma around mental health; the early warnings signs; why it is important for small business owners to have effective strategies to handle their mental health and strategies to assist with effective care and management.
This episode is part of our podcast focusing on helping Ontario small businesses get through the pandemic. This series is made possible by the generous support of the Government of Ontario.
For resources and more information, visit, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CMHA Canada)
If you are experiencing a mental health or addictions related crisis please:
- Contact your doctor
- Go to the nearest hospital
- Find resources at ConnexOntario
- Call 911 or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000
Host: Garth Sheriff, CPA, CA, Sheriff Consulting
The views expressed by our guests are theirs alone and not necessarily the views of CPA Canada. This is a recorded Podcast. The information presented is current as of the date of recording. New and changing government legislations and programs may have come into effect since the recording date. Please seek additional professional advice or information before acting on any podcast information.

Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Small Business Series – E02 – Re-evaluating my business model
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
With the economic stress brought on by uncertainty, businesses need to re-evaluate their models in a changing world. Businesses that once thrived, are now not sure if this can be sustained. As a business owner, what questions do I need to be asking? What early indications will I have about the health of my business moving forward?
Join our expert Jamie Smith, CPA, CA from Amplify Advisors and Bearhill as she walks us through her thinking in how a business can re-evaluate their business models in times of uncertainty.
This episode is part of our podcast focusing on helping Ontario small businesses get through the pandemic. This series is made possible by the generous support of the Government of Ontario.
Host: Garth Sheriff, CPA, CA, Sheriff Consulting
The views expressed by our guests are theirs alone and not necessarily the views of CPA Canada. This is a recorded Podcast. The information presented is current as of the date of recording. New and changing government legislations and programs may have come into effect since the recording date. Please seek additional professional advice or information before acting on any podcast information.

Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
With the economic stress brought on by the uncertainty, businesses need to change to survive. How do I know when I should restructure my business? What questions do I need to consider? How do I communicate tough decisions to my employees and stakeholders? What other questions should I consider? Join our expert Eitan Dehtiar, CPA, CMA, Land and People Planning (LP), as he walks us through his thinking in making the tough decisions around restructuring.
This episode is part of our podcast focusing on helping Ontario small businesses get through the pandemic. This series is made possible by the generous support of the Government of Ontario.
Host: Garth Sheriff, CPA, CA, Sheriff Consulting
The views expressed by our guests are theirs alone and not necessarily the views of CPA Canada. This is a recorded Podcast. The information presented is current as of the date of recording. New and changing government legislations and programs may have come into effect since the recording date. Please seek additional professional advice or information before acting on any podcast information.